ICL: Writing Your Life

ICL: Writing Your Life

Thursday, September 19, 2024 (3:15 PM - 5:15 PM) (EDT)


Course Instructor - Rick Sapp 

Course fee $30. (Requires ICL membership - $10 for fall only if not already a member). 

No Class on October 24

Your life is unique, memorable. At times it has been exciting; at times, perhaps terrible. Why not breathe life into those experiences, your life lessons? Writing a memoir or an autobiography is a way to leave behind - to pay forward - your knowledge and experiences. 

Eight classes of two hours each: Memoirs versus autobiographies. Why write about yourself? How to go about it - with many examples from history to today. 

Richard “Rick” Sapp grew up on a Florida island. Following military service, he completed a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (U.S. Air Force Academy, Catholic University and University of Florida). He was first published in a poetry anthology (about 1971) and has since worked for newspapers and magazines. As an editor and freelance writer, he has authored nearly fifty books for a variety of publishers and hundreds of fiction and nonfiction features in media as diverse as sailing, archery and governmental affairs. Rick and his wife make their home in Blairsville, Georgia.

Institute for Continuing Learning at YHC (ICL@YHC)
862 Main St
Young Harris, GA 30582
Thursday, September 19, 2024 (3:15 PM - 5:15 PM) (EDT)
September 19 – November 07
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