Thursday, May 16, 2024 (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
The Brasstown Community Center, partnering with Matt's Ministry, will be hosting its monthly Food Pantry on Thursday, May 16th from 12-2 p.m. for individuals or families experiencing food insecurity. If anyone could benefit from some supplemental food, know you are welcome to attend. Brasstown Community Center is located at 255 Settawig Road, Brasstown, NC.
Tables are set up outside so you can just drive up, select food you would like to receive, and load up your car. In case of rain, the tables are set up in the main building. Tell everyone you know and especially persons in need--there is no sign-up or income requirement.
Matt's Ministry is a faith-based group in Hayesville that provides community members with supplemental food. We could always use volunteers to help set up the food pantry and/or load food boxes in cars. If you would like to help with the pantry or have any questions, contact Linda Snyder 828-360-5058.
Please partake of this program that is so freely offered! If anyone would like to support this community effort, please make a donation to Matt's Ministry directly and mention that it is for the food pantry. Please spread the word, and we look forward to seeing you there!
255 Settawig Road
Brasstown, NC 28902