Each year the sale is coordinated by the Friends of Historic Hayesville committee and staffed with volunteers representing partner organizations to make this one of the best fund raisers for Small Town Main Street/HHI downtown projects. Trash to Treasure is a popular annual event and community support gets better each year. Gently used items, with very few restrictions, are collected and volunteers work to clean and sort all the items donated including housewares, furniture, linens, home décor, toys, guy stuff! etc. We cannot accept donations of clothes and electronics. We accept donations year round. Contact Sandy at (828) 361-7058 or Marie at (828) 371-1265 with any questions or to donate items. TRASH TO TREASURE IS NOW OPEN AND WILL CONTINUE THROUGH THE HOLIDAY SHOPPING SEASON AND BEYOND. THE LOCATION IS 78 SANDERSON STREET ON THE SQUARE WHERE EDWARD JONES USED TO BE. MANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS WILL BE ADDED WEEKLY SO SHOP OFTEN.TENTH ANNUAL TRASH 2 TREASURE
Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:00 AM - Saturday, December 30, 2023 5:30 PM
78 Sanderson Street
United States