ICL: Life-Saving Foods

Thursday, June 29, 2023 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)


Life-Saving Foods Instructor Ann Marie Stanczyk 

Course fee $20. (Requires ICL membership - $30 annually if not already a member). 

Materials Fee $10.00 

Ann Marie is a Nutritionist focused on improving people's lives with ultra-healthy foods. In the store, in your yard, and in the woods, you will find plants you never noticed before. You will also learn of local hunting grounds and good places to walk, hike and fish. So, let's all share the wealth and the health that your body was designed to enjoy. A materials fee of $10.00 will be payable to the instructor the first day of class. Top 10 Foods for Health | Patient Education | UCSF Health 

Ann Marie is a Medical Technologist with a Master's degree in Nutrition. She worked with Dr. Cindy Libert for 6 years as the Nutritionist for her practice. Together they successfully lowered patients' sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and weight, using diet and lifestyle changes.

Institute for Continuing Learning at YHC (ICL@YHC)
862 Main St
Young Harris, GA 30582
Event Contact
Diane Frenz
(706) 379-5194
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Thursday, June 29, 2023 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)
Thurdays, June 29 – July 20
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